via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CwTMt81S3YK/ Mine isn’t finished, but wow do I love seeing it in progress on Cunégonde. 💪 (pattern: Tanny Tank Top test knit for Ainur Berkimbayeva, Yarn: Oink Pigments coven in “Safety Dance”, “Hot Girl Summer”, and “Birthday Suit”, Blue Footed Booby stitch marker by @weeonescreations) 💪 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 💪 #MaxiesTankTop #BIPOCKnitters #knitting #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #TestKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #SummerKnits #OinkPigments #SlowFashion #SubvertFastFashion #Bespoke #Couture #Linen #Silk