via Instagram This is Genevieve, and I am here with a message: Swatching is NOT as hard as it seems. I may be only ten, and the youngest Knitmore, but I finished this swatch in two days with very little help. 🐭 This is a swatch for my first sweater. The yarn was a gift from Uncle @gregorychrysler. 🐭 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🐭 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #KidsWhoKnit #KnitmoregirlsPodcast#ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke 🐭 Image description : A small swatch in bright blue and neon yellow, worked in the round, sits on a black background, dime for scale. https://instagr.am/p/ChOdZ_euXG-/
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