via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CfXKKEdvMTg/ A hot weather knitting tip for everyone EXCEPT @BostonJen1: put large projects on a lap desk while you work on them. 🥵 [Pattern: Gramps by @tincanknits, Yarn: @magpiefibers Nest Worsted in “Twilight Dark”] 🥵 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🥵 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #bespoke #TincanKnits #NestWorsted #SizeInclusive #MensKnits #KnitsForMen #StashDash2022 #TeamCuteknitter #BeatBostonJen 🥵 [Image description: a deep blue cardigan in progress, on top of a lap desk, photographed artistically.]
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