via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/Cd85MuePWJ-/ Finish one, start another. 🦎 (Bobbi Pullover by @HelloGavriella; Yarn:Oink Pigments Linen/Silk DK "Guild") 🦎 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🦎 #BIPOCKnitters #knitting #Knit #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #OinkPigments #SummerKnits #HelloGavriella #BobbiTee #BobbiPullover 🦎 [Image Description: An antifreeze green linen/silk swatch with five stitch bobbles in the background and seven stitch bobbles in the foreground.]