via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CbWTW4cLI5r/ Nowruz pirooz, from our family to yours. ❤️ 🇮🇷 Persian New Year starts on spring equinox and goes for two weeks. In non-Covid times it would be two glorious weeks of enjoying food and family, celebrating culture and company. But, we will celebrate as much as we can in the best way we can. 🇮🇷 #Nowruz #PersianNewYear #BIPOCMaker #Multigenerational #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #SpringEquinox 🇮🇷 [Image Description: left to right: A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Persian American woman with a short, sea-pink haircut grins toothily next to an elegant, mature, Iranian-American woman with salt and pepper hair and a polka dot dress. A stunning little girl with an olive complexion, glasses, and long dark brown hair is smiling with dimples next to the cutest boy in the world with bangs and the sparkliest brown eyes smiles gap-toothedly. Next to him is a beautiful, bespectacled Chinese-American woman who is smiling from ear-to-ear. Behind her is a fair skinned Iranian, American man with an impressive copper colored beard peeks out, smiling. In the back row, where we put all the Talls, a tall, bald, white man with a greying Van Dyke beard smiles, leaning forward in his seat. is in the foreground, taking the photo. A haftsin is on the piano, obscured by this ridiculously attractive family.]
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