Saturday, December 31, 2022
Float gloat! 🦩 🎄 This is @tincanknits Compass Strange Brew with special charts from @craftykimiknits. MC is @SeismicYarn, CCs are @OnyxFiberArts, and the fuzzy sparkly yarn is Trendsetter Aura. 🦩🎄 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🦩🎄 #bipocknitters #knitting #knittersofinstagram #handdyedyarn #knitmoregirlspodcast #IndieDyers #IndieDyersofInstagram #Bespoke #knit #SeismicYarns #onyxfiberarts #TinCanKnits #ChristmasSweater #Flamingo #FairIsleKnitting #JacquardFloats #Colorwork 🦩🎄 [Image Description: the inside of the yoke of a cheerfully obnoxious Christmas sweater, showing off beautifully executed standard and jacquard floats. The main color is a bright turquoise, there is a holly green and red motif, and a flamingo pink.]

Just a reminder that there are 12 days of Christmas, and that you can knit whatever makes you happy, whenever it makes you happy. ** 🦩 🎄 This is @tincanknits Compass Strange Brew with special charts from @craftykimiknits. MC is @SeismicYarn, CCs are @OnyxFiberArts, and the fuzzy sparkly yarn is Trendsetter Aura. 🦩🎄 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🦩🎄 #bipocknitters #knitting #knittersofinstagram #handdyedyarn #knitmoregirlspodcast #IndieDyers #IndieDyersofInstagram #Bespoke #knit #SeismicYarns #onyxfiberarts #TinCanKnits #ChristmasSweater #Flamingo 🦩🎄 **Some exclusions apply. 🦩🎄 [Image Description: the beginning of the yoke of a cheerfully obnoxious Christmas sweater. The main color is a bright turquoise, and a holly motif is visible, a flamingo pink peerie is visible, and the top of a Santa hat is in progress.] to line break

Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Warp today, shawl tomorrow. ⚡️ (Houndstooth wrap, @TessYarns Silk Chenille in grey and black, woven on a 20” @Schacht_Spindle_Company Flip Loom) ⚡️ #WeaversOfInstagram #Handwoven #BIPOCMaker #Weaving #handdyedyarn #knitmoregirlspodcast #IndieDyers #IndieDyersofInstagram #Bespoke #Silk #RigidHeddleLoom #Schacht ⚡️ You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. ⚡️ [Image Description: the beginnings of an elegant dark grey and black houndstooth wrap in silk chenille on a rigid heddle loom. ]

Sunday, December 18, 2022
Live performance posterity post! #theatre #LittleShopOfHorrors #SomethingRotten #TheSecretGarden #musical #LiveTheatre #SupportTheArts 🎭 #dragqueen #jinkxmonsoon #bendelacreme #jinkxanddela to line break

Friday, December 16, 2022
Big pinup mood. Maybe it’s the sweater, maybe it’s the waist cincher. Either way, it’s super cute and festive. 🎄 #Grinchalong2022 🎄 (Pattern: Betty and Judy Lodge Sweater by @poisongrrls, Yarn: @littleskeinanne Harvest Sport, MC “Blue Christmas”, waist cincher by @honeylove.) 🎄 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🎄 #bipocknitters #knitting #knittersofinstagram #handdyedyarn #knitmoregirlspodcast #LittleSkein #LittleSkeinInTheBigWool #IndieDyers #IndieDyersofInstagram #Bespoke #knit #VintageKnits #PoisonGrrls #TodaysKnitOutfit #BAndJLodgeSweater 🎄 [image description: A striking, buxom, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with a sharp, short, fresh haircut is wearing a vintage styled hand knit sweater featuring deep red holly berries with forest green leaves against a white background. The main color is an icy blue. She is wearing high-waisted, wide-legged jeans, and a festive red lipstick with a subtle red shimmer. She has her hand against her cheek, feigning surprise. ]

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Who said it wasn’t easy being green? 😉 💚🐸 [Pattern: Boob Window by @majestitch_designs, yarn: @oinkpigments Dapper worsted “Dill with It”] 💚🐸 #BIPOCKnitters #knitting #ravelry #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #OinkPigments #TodaysKnitOutfit 💚🐸 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 💚🐸 [Image Description: A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Persian American woman with a short, grinch green haircut models an obscenely cheerful acid green sweater with a triangular cutout that shows off her décolletage. She is wearing matching eye makeup.]

I like to keep a low profile. 🦄 [Pattern: Rainbowgan by @DrunkKnitter, Yarn: Lisa Frank kit by @FrostYarn, Buttons: @TheMagpiesEye, Makeup: @ColourPopCosmetics] 🦄 #knitting #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #Knit #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #TestKnit #Rainbowgan #FrostYarns #ColourPop #Bespoke #ColourPopMe #TodaysKnitOutfit 🦄 [Image Description: a striking, freckled and fair-skinned Persian American woman with a sharp, short, grinch green haircut poses in a fiercely day-glo textured cardigan with rainbow glitter buttons and just a hint of the rainbow leopard grosgrain ribbon peeking out. She is wearing black framed glasses and a fuzzy, hot pink/orange hat with an ENORMOUS pompom.] to line break

Friday, December 9, 2022
I present, the Phoenix Jean Jacket! (Formerly known as Jasmin's Very Political Embroidery Project) ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 **Before you object to the language, please read on.** ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 When they say “fight hate with love”, it doesn’t mean embracing someone who means you and your loved ones harm. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 I go into more detail about all of this over on Substack, as well as sharing the embiggened photos of the finished project. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. You can read about this project over at Knitmoregirls.Substack.com . ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #couture #Bespoke #AllArtIsPolitical #PoliticalArt #Embroidery #Handwork #Needlework #Stitching #LoveIsLove #Pride #BlackLabel #Sequins #Embellishment ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 [Image Description: a photo collage showing six different images of the same project.]

Thursday, December 8, 2022
Big Grinch Energy. 🎄 Shoes fit just right: ✅ Heart grown three sizes: ✅ 🎄 #KnitOutfitOfTheDay: Twist cardigan by @BonneMarieBurns in Malabrigo 🎄 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Grinch #Grinchalong 🎄 [Image Description: A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with short, floofy, acid green hair is wearing an antifreeze green cardigan with cable accents. She is wearing quite a lot of coordinating eye makeup, a bold red lip, and glitter on her face and in her hair. She is grinning broadly with dimples in full attendance.] to line break

Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Godzilla hoodie
Original: Steggie by Julia Farwell-Clay, from Knitty (Screenshots from the pattern included for reference)
Thanks for reading The Knitmore Girls Podcast ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Yarn: Lisa Souza Pyrenees Worsted
Beads: GLOW matte glass beads
Reference, as supplied by the Client:
The original is made in pieces and seamed:
Mine is made is one piece, and seamed up the center back, with a three stitch steek in the center front:
The plates on Godzilla are up the center back (as opposed to the sleeves), and applied using an afterthought i-cord style-ish attachment as follows:
Drop down to a US size 6/4.00mm needle for the plates
work to 1 st before the end, sl1, pick up 1 st from edge, pull slipped stitch over the last st, turn. (I omitted the YO in the final version.)
pick up 1 st from edge, purl that st together with first spike stitch.
Additionally, I added one bead on the edge of every RS row, and well as on all bound off stitches on top edge of the plates:
Work 5-stitch plate in CC with 1 st MC.
Increase 1 st at plate edge in MC every 4 rows until the tail is a bit longer than you’d like.
Work mostly 5 stitch plates on the tail, until you’re nearly at the length you want the tail bit to be, then work a few 7 stitch plates.
Bind off all but 2 MC sts and begin working 10 stitch plates. Work in this style until the length of the bottom edge of the bind off and the top of the back plates match the length of the back of the sweater all the way up the back of the hood.
It looks a bit strange, and it’s a little hard to describe, so I’ve included a drawing of how I did it.
I attached the bound off edge of the tail to the center back of the cardigan, and then used a running stitch to sew the MC portion of the tail to one side of the back, all the way up to the hood. (The smaller five stitch plates end up staggered from the center 10 stitch plates; which is most excellent.)
Once that was joined, I used a tidy running stitch to attach the other side of the back, using the running stitch to go through all three layers (back, tail, back).
I sewed the steek in front, two rows of machine stitches on each side, cut the steek, placed the zipper with Wonder Clips, basted it in place with red thread, then sewed it into the sweater using a backstitch.
I attached half of the snap to the end of the tail, and the other half juuuuuuust inside the pocket, so that the tail would be safe from accidental toilet dipping.
Pick up 15 stitches, 4 stitches up from the edging and 4 rows in. Work 1” in st st, then do 1 full fashion decrease at open edge twice, then every RS row until 6 sts remain. BO, then pick up 3 sts for every 4 row along open edge. Work in 1x1 rib for 1”; bind off. Seam to sweater using a tidy mattress stitch.
We also tested the blacklight reactive beads:
Thanks for reading The Knitmore Girls Podcast ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Friday, December 2, 2022
What dog? There are no dogs in this bed. 🐾 #RescueDogsOfInstagram #PitbullMix #GEPDARescue #AdoptDontShop #PitbullsOfInstagram #hannahjams #lifeinhanna #PitbullsInPajamas 🐾 [Image Description: An extremely handsome brown brindled pitbull/chihuahua/dachshund mix and a predominately white dog with brown and black brindled spots are wearing matching buffalo check pajamas with red trim. Both are on a California king bed with sheets that almost perfectly match their pajamas.] to line break

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Chilly dog. (Get it?!) 🥶 🐾 #RescueDogsOfInstagram #PitbullMix #GEPDARescue #AdoptDontShop #PitbullsOfInstagram 🥶🐾 [Image Description: An extremely handsome brown brindled pitbull/chihuahua/dachshund mix is cozily nestled into a cozy blanket and against a heating pad on an extremely comfortable recliner. Not shown: it is 72°F in the house.] to line break

Friday, November 25, 2022
Tail in progress. 📽️🎞️🌇 (Pattern: heavily modified Steggie hoodie from @knittymag by @farwellclay, yarn: Lisa Souza Pyrenees Worsted) 📽️🎞️🌇 I’ll write up my changes, they currently live in the messiest handwriting on the pattern in @knitcompanion. 📽️🎞️🌇 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 📽️🎞️🌇 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #KidsKnits #Knitty #Godzilla #FanArt 📽️🎞️🌇 [Image Description: an artsy shot of the scalene triangular tail of the Godzilla sweater, clipped in place with Wonder Clips, and put on a child-sized dress form. The bottom of the unfinished dinosaur shirt peeks out.]

One million, billion tiny little stitches, and one hundred percent worth it. 👩🍳 💋 There’s still a bit of work left on my Very Political Embroidery Art Piece, but, the big part is done. 👩🍳💋 I absolutely CANNOT WAIT to share the finished project with all of you. 👩🍳💋 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 👩🍳💋 #Bespoke #Couture #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #Needlework #Embroidery #PoliticalArt #AllArtIsPolitical #LoveIsLove #NoH8 👩🍳💋 [Image Description: an EXTREEEME close up of very delicate gold stitches securing a patch to a dark blue denim jacket.]

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
This is 40! 🎂 No makeup, just me. 🎂 [Image description: a A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with purple and orange floofy hair grins toothily while holding a cake with candles that read “40”. The cutest boy in the world, with resplendent long brown locks is photobombing with enthusiasm. Dimples are in abundance.] to line break

The first (of many) Godzilla spikes. 📽️🎞️🌇 (Pattern: heavily modified Steggie hoodie from @knittymag by @farwellclay, yarn: Lisa Souza Pyrenees Worsted) 📽️🎞️🌇 I’ll write up my changes, they currently live in the messiest handwriting on the pattern in @knitcompanion. 📽️🎞️🌇 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 📽️🎞️🌇 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #KidsKnits #Knitty #Godzilla #FanArt 📽️🎞️🌇 [Image Description: an extreme close up of a turquoise, beaded triangle.]

Monday, November 21, 2022
Getting back into the swing of attending live #theatre! (Adding these to the grid for posterity. And also because I forgot to do it at the show.) to line break

Friday, November 11, 2022
A perfect project for when you need to stab something a few thousand times. 🪡 (This is the back of the jacket that will boast my Very Political Art Embroidery piece.) 🪡 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🪡 #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #couture #Bespoke #AllArtIsPolitical #PoliticalArt #Embroidery #Handwork #Needlework #Stitching 🪡 [Image Description: An enormous quilting hoop placed over a similarly sized machine embroidered patch featuring a golden phoenix. There is a hexagon-shaped bit of beeswax, gold embroidery thread, and a pair of leopard print Gingher embroidery scissors carelessly(?)/artfully(?) on top of the piece. Red basting stitches are visible, temporarily securing the patch to the jacket.]

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
We went and signed more books at @hicklebees today! 🧦 📚 (Naturally, the sun came out with a vengeance the moment we went to take a picture.) 🧦📚 #Hicklebees #SupportLocalBookstores #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #SockKnitters #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
“Smile and say ‘democracy!’” 🗳 This is what democracy looks like. (Also, #DonutsAndDemocracy afterwards.) I love our traditions. ♥️ 🗳 #Vote #Democracy #CivicDuty 🗳 [Image Description: A ridiculously attractive group of civic minded citizens participating in democracy. The image includes a striking 39-year-old Iranian American woman wearing Resistance Cap, a tall, bald, white man with a greying Van Dyke beard, a mature Iranian American woman with sunglasses and salt and pepper hair wearing an authentic Orenburg shawl (from Skaska), a 35-year-old Iranian American man with an impressive copper beard, a beautiful, bespectacled Chinese-American woman who is smiling from ear-to-ear , The cutest boy in the world with the sparkly eyes brown eyes and flowing locks (multi racial), and a stunning little girl with olive skin, long dark hair, glasses, and the most devious dimples you’ve ever seen (multiracial). to line break

Weighted blanket, heating pad, and security system, all in one. 🐾 We trained them to be snuggle bug couch potatoes, and I’m totally going to brag: we nailed it. 🐾 #RescueDogsOfInstagram #PitbullMix #GEPDARescue #AdoptDontShop #PitBull #chihuahua #dachshund #MixedBreed #RescueDog 🐾 [Image Description: a predominately white dog with brown and black brindled spots rests his chin on a leg wearing navy blue sweatpants. He has one large ear flipped backwards.] to line break

Monday, November 7, 2022
Bloom where you’re planted, sure. But also devour your enemies. 🦇 (Drosera capensis, for those who are curious.) 🦇 #PredatoryPlants #CarnivorousPlants #MorticiaAddamsCore 🦇 [image Description: left side: the delicate buds and bloom of the flowers from the sundew plant in the right side frame.] to line break

Friday, November 4, 2022
A plain, purple shirt, but make it ̶f̶a̶s̶h̶i̶o̶n Jasmin. ✂️ Five minutes and a set of sharp dress shears produced this shirt - matching color with everyone else’s, but definitely unique. ✂️ (Also, approved by the nearly 11 year old, who asked me to do something similar for hers.) ✂️ Also, thank you to all the folx wearing their rainbows. It lifted my heart more than you could possibly know. ✂️ #Fashion #Walkathon #SupportPublicSchools #CutShirt #USDLearns ✂️ [Image Description: A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with short, purple and orange curly hair is wearing a purple, crew neck t-shirt that has been artfully slashed. She is wearing coordinating eye makeup, the remnants of purple lipstick, progressive Pride flag earrings, and three colored paw print temporary tattoos on her décolletage. She is smiling, and only looking a *little* bit tired.] to line break

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Mom: Is that a Muppet? Me: No; it’s ALL the Muppets. 🐸🐷 [Project: Electric Mayhem coat, cribbed off of @xandypeters 2021 Rhinebeck coat. Yarn: @The_Lemonade_Shop Alpaca held double with their worsted in matching colors.] 🐸🐷 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🐸🐷 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #TheLemonadeShop #TheMuppets #MuppetCouture 🐸🐷 [Image Description: the beginnings of a chevron coat that heavily resembles a Muppet. So far, you can see the Animal pink and the Mahnamahna peachy color.]

A story of inclusion, individuality, and love by Rex, 7: 🥔 🍁 ♥️ There was a school that had food, and one leaf was at the school. It was prom, and a tot dated the leaf. Everyone laughed, but they didn’t care. 🥔🍁♥️ Inspired/heavily influenced by “The Prom”. 🥔🍁♥️ Shoutout to all the Leaves in a world of Tots. 🥔🍁♥️ #TheProm #LoveIsLove #WritersWorkshop #LeafAndTotLove to line break

Monday, October 31, 2022
Today, I am the Other Mother. 🪡 Rex and Genevieve’s Other Mother today at school, and #Coraline’s Other Mother tonight. 🪡 #Halloween #NeilGaiman #ButtonEyes #LiteraryCostume #TheBookWasBetterThanTheMovie 🪡 [image description: a striking Sarah skinned Iranian woman with cartoonish make up done in order to look like a woman with black buttons covering her eyes. In the frame on the right, she is posing with her eyes open to show the Scalera lenses she is wearing.] to line break

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Genevieve: Mom, do you have a puffer jacket? Me: I have this…? [shows her my high school band jacket] Genevieve: YES!!! 🎶 🥁 👣 #MarchingBand #BandGeek #LeighLonghorns #DrummerGirl 🎶🥁👣 [Image Description: a stunning multiracial little girl with olive skin, long dark hair, glasses, a black KN94 mask, and a purple #MusselburghHat looks over her shoulder. The logo for the Leigh Marching Band shows on the back of a black, green, and white jacket that is a bit too big for her.] to line break

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
ERMA-GOURD! 🎃 Just a little light seasonal knitting, like you do. #SweataWeatha 🎃 (Patterns: Pumpkin Patch and Halloween Hearts, both by @BadWolfGirlSitsAndKnits) 🎃 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Halloween 🎃 [Image Description: the yokes of two utterly charming Halloween-themed fair isle yoke sweaters laid out flat.] to line break

Something, something inner beauty. 🎃 Look at those floats. LOOK AT THEM. (Clearly, I’m pretty pleased with them.) 🎃 (Patterns: Pumpkin Patch and Halloween Hearts, both by @BadWolfGirlSitsAndKnits) 🎃 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🎃 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Halloween 🎃 [Image Description: the yokes of two utterly charming Halloween-themed fair isle yoke sweaters inside-out, laid out flat to show off some stunning and even floats.]

Monday, October 17, 2022
Living my best mid-nineties life today. 🦎 (Pattern: Encinitas Top by @irmandesign; Yarn:Oink Pigments Linen/Silk DK "Guild") 🦎 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🦎 #BIPOCKnitters #knitting #Knit #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #OinkPigments #SummerKnits #FO #SnagTights #TodaysKnitOutfit 🦎 [Image Description: A striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with short, purple and orange curly hair is wearing an antifreeze green linen/silk knitted top with cable and eyelet accents. She is wearing coordinating eye makeup, black lipstick, and bright green tights with bats on them. She is grinning broadly while posing upside down on a chair.] to line break

Friday, October 14, 2022
Sometimes, you work on a project, and take a step back and think to yourself, “My goodness this is GOURD-geous!” 🎃 (Pattern: Pumpkin Patch by @BadWolfGirlSitsAndKnits; all yarn from different vintages of yarn- @TessYarns (green), @knitcircus_yarns (yellow), opal DK (orange and bright green) 🎃 #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #BIPOCKnitters #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #BIPOCMaker #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Halloween 🎃 [Image Description: the yoke of a delightful fair isle yoke sweater featuring charming pumpkins, posed decoratively over the front seat of a car.]

Saturday, October 8, 2022
I will honour Halloween in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. 🎃 💀 👻 (Pattern: Halloween Heart by @BadWolfGirlSitsAndKnits; yarn: @oinkpigments Targhee sock) 🎃💀👻 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🎃💀👻 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersofInstagram #Knit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #OinkPigments #Halloween 😈💀👻 [Image Description: the beginnings of a beautiful, Halloween themed yoked pullover featuring candy, corn, and skulls against a gray background.]

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Surfacing to show off a finished object, and announce that we’ll be back to recording this weekend. 🪟 (Pattern: Panjereh by @xtinawithwolves, Yarn: @neighborhoodfiberco Studio Sock “Del Rey” and “Park Heights”.) 🪟 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🪟 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #BlackDyersOfInstagran #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #NeighborhoodFiberCo 🪟 [Image description: a striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with fuschia, flamingo pink, and a shock of smiles contentedly. She is wearing an eggplant-colored knitted top with a Persian pastry inspired pattern in shades of gold and saffron. Her makeup matches the colors in the top, and she is wearing deep purple lipstick.]

#MobileMarketing for the #YesOnR bond measure for @unionschooldistrict #USDLearns to line break

Sunday, September 25, 2022
I found out on Friday about the protests that have been going on in Iran. 🇮🇷🦁 These protests are the direct result of the assault that led to the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini. 🇮🇷🦁 Because I know folx will be asking: we haven’t spoken to any of our family there; so for the time being we are assuming that no news (from them) is good news. 🇮🇷🦁 We will be sending out a post (via our Substack) about it later this week, but here are some excellent resources with what you can do today, tomorrow, and in the future: @ninaansary @nazaninboniadi @saharsanjar (I’ll be posting more in our stories as I come across them.) 🇮🇷 🦁 #FreeIran #MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی 🇮🇷🦁 [Image description: An Iranian flag, made from untwisted skeins of yarn, with a lion toy in the center. Incidentally, the lion toy is the one that Jasmin uses for Project Cornerstone, an SEL program that teaches - among other things- empathy and being an upstander.]

Friday, September 23, 2022
Picture day #glamour! to line break

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
The upside of limited energy; I’m walking juuuuust enough to break in my birthday (left) and Christmas (right) gifts from Mom. to line break

Hi, all. I’ve started getting concerned messages since it’s been almost a month since we’ve recorded. 🦠 I caught COVID on my way home from New York, and while I’m over the Covid, it’s not over me yet. So clingy and needy. 🦠 (Nobody else caught it; I isolated and masked at home.) 🦠 I’m dealing with extreme fatigue; I can take the kids to school, and then I need a long nap- that kind of fatigue. 🦠 We’re hoping to record later this week, since I’ve been feeling a bit better, but really, we’ll get back to the mics when I can manage to. 🦠 In the meantime, here’s a teaser photo of my @XandyPeters inspired Electric Mayhem Muppet coat. The yarn is all @TheLemonadeShop, except for the neon green, which is @LadyDyeYarns and @LaBienAimee. 🦠 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersofInstagram #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Knit

Thursday, September 15, 2022
@sfmoma knows this gal likes to make an entrance, always. 🖼 #art #sfmoma #GlamourGoblin to line break

Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Genevieve: Mom! We’re all out of “f”s! Me: Art imitates life. Genevieve: 🙄 ✏️ Late in posting, but definitely worth it. ✏️ #FirstDayOfSchool ✏️ [Image Description: a three photo collage featuring the cutest boy in the world, with resplendent long brown locks and sparkly brown eyes, and a stunning little girl with an olive complexion, glasses, long dark brown hair, and devious dimples on the first day of the 2022-23 school year by themselves and together. ] to line break