See, I decided to knit both fronts and the back in one piece up to the armholes to save me some seaming time later on in the game. The key to competition is being able to look ahead: I'm not going to seam more than absolutely necessary. This makes every row pretty long, but it assures that the pieces will be the same length.
Sunday morning, I took the Olympic Ribbi Cardi along to see The Dark Knight. Before we went into the movie, it was 11" worth of body, see:

Please forgive the terrible color quality of the photo. It turns out that coffee houses aren't known for their spectacular lighting. Who knew?
(Side note: As I was about to take the picture, the guy next to me had his glass mug of coffee spontaneously explode. Maybe that Maine waitress was right about me having an unusual super-power...)
During the movie, I hit the necessary 14" on the body. At this point, I can't move on because I'm trying to be a courteous movie patron and NOT use my cell phone as a light to read the next steps on the pattern. So, I sat (relatively) still and watched the movie.
I thought it was fantastic. I didn't like a few subtle changes to the classic story, but I loved the casting choices. Also, I love the cleft in Aaron Eckhart's chin. (I kind of want to lick it. Is that weird?) Give me a glass of wine and a copy of that DVD, and I'll deconstruct for HOURS.
The Social Pressure experiment is going well; I'm noticing that sometimes, I want to buy yarn because I'm in the mood to buy yarn. The thing is this: I've been organizing my office (using the awesome new shelving that Andrew and I built), and it's made me very aware of how much yarn and roving I actually have. Very, very aware.
I've been alternating the Olympic Knitting with organizing my office and spinning up some Pigeonroof Studios Superwash Merino (in "Mushroom Caps"), I've been making sure to reduce repetitive stresses by changing activity regularly.
Oh, and as of tonight, I'm done with the body of my sweater. All that's left are the sleeves, collar, and zipper edging.
(Side note: As I was about to take the picture, the guy next to me had his glass mug of coffee spontaneously explode. Maybe that Maine waitress was right about me having an unusual super-power...)
During the movie, I hit the necessary 14" on the body. At this point, I can't move on because I'm trying to be a courteous movie patron and NOT use my cell phone as a light to read the next steps on the pattern. So, I sat (relatively) still and watched the movie.
I thought it was fantastic. I didn't like a few subtle changes to the classic story, but I loved the casting choices. Also, I love the cleft in Aaron Eckhart's chin. (I kind of want to lick it. Is that weird?) Give me a glass of wine and a copy of that DVD, and I'll deconstruct for HOURS.
The Social Pressure experiment is going well; I'm noticing that sometimes, I want to buy yarn because I'm in the mood to buy yarn. The thing is this: I've been organizing my office (using the awesome new shelving that Andrew and I built), and it's made me very aware of how much yarn and roving I actually have. Very, very aware.
I've been alternating the Olympic Knitting with organizing my office and spinning up some Pigeonroof Studios Superwash Merino (in "Mushroom Caps"), I've been making sure to reduce repetitive stresses by changing activity regularly.
Oh, and as of tonight, I'm done with the body of my sweater. All that's left are the sleeves, collar, and zipper edging.
You are a freakin' speed demon!