Friday, January 18, 2008

Black sock series, pair #3

I've been actively working on the Black Sock Project, and as I occasionally finish things, here are a few shots of the FO, on Andrew:

black socks

What's that in the background?

niki background

A sleeping Niki.

(Yes, we do vacuum regularly. This is the aesthetic decor that comes from having two Chow mixes.)


black sock2

Andrew Regia Socks

I've been spinning, too. I finished 4 (of 12 oz) of the Oriental Poppies:

Oriental Poppies- regular close-up

Oriental Poppies- big skein

Here's a small amount Navajo-plied:

Oriental Poppies- Navajo plied close-up

Oriental Poppies- Navajo plied


  1. OMG, that yarn is amazing!!! It's perfect!
    What's the fiber? And what are you going to do with it?

  2. Now, THAT is gorgeous yarn, and well spun!


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