Grace and I were devastated. (Well, not quite, but we were disappointed.) Norbert Leo Butz and Sherie Rene Scott were performing in it. With John Lithgow. (No knock against John Lithgow, but we were more excited about the two stars of The Last Five Years.)
Fast forward two years and change. The family loads up into the Prius, and CPA-ward we went. For once, I didn't read the cast bios before the show started.
Sam was reading through the playbill, and was surprised that there was a Rocky Horror Picture Show musical, and more surprised that the man who played Dr. Frank 'N' Furter was starring as Lawrence Jamieson.
"Tom Hewitt!" I exclaim. (This is where Sam called me a nerd. Possibly rightly so, but that's not the point.) I then tell Sam that he was in Dracula, the Musical as well. Sam may have called me a nerd again. I say, Judge not, lest ye be a nerd, too.
Tom Hewitt did a delightful job, as did Laura Marie Duncan (the gal who played Christina Colgate). D.B. Bonds did a fair job playing Freddy Benson, but lacked stage presence. He was appropriately crude, a little slap-sticky, but during "Great Big Stuff" (my favorite song in the ENTIRE show), it just lacked the oomf that Norbert Leo Butz had on the Tony's.
During the show I finished these:

(Do You Believe In Magic, handspun by me, knit by me, for me. Andrew's are done already.)
And did the cuff on sock #2 of these:

(Regia Africa. One of the colors, the tag is AWOL.)
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